So, some of you may have deffered your university places for a year and have no idea what to do with yourselves or are panicking in case you made the wrong decision. Well, I'm here to tell you that everything is going to be okay! Literary. You have the chance to develop yourself further before you begin your studies or go into the world of work. You have the time to figure out what you do and don't like and can enter the next stage of your life with a better understanding of yourself. Taking time out also gives you the chance to save and mentally prepare for what's to come.
If you are about to enter the workplace and are unsure on how to prepare, fear not, Vee is here to help. The first thing you have to do is calm down and remember that you've got this! You earned your place at that firm or institution and thus should not second guess yourself or your abilities. Can take some time to brush up on your skills? Yes of course! See, there's always room for improvement and if the employer liked you and hired you based on the skills you have, it's super important that once you're hired, you can deliver. These skills could be Microsoft, editing, excel, coding etc. Or perhaps they are soft skills such communication, leadership, innovation etc, these could be worked on as well while you're waiting. What could you do to enhance them? You could volunteer with a small online organisation that's just starting up and offer you skills. This is a great way to practice your skills again, while also adding a new company to your CV.
What I found MOST useful during my various internships of the past was the notion of always putting yourself out there. I know that sounds daunting but it's really important to always speak up and ask for help. People don't know you're there if you don't speak, So you must always speak up, ask questions, ask for guidance when you don't know something, even ask for a coffee with someone on your department and pick their brains. You don't know what you don't know, so take the time to listen to those who have been there longer as they'll have great insight to share and teach you something new.
You've got this!! spend your year off taking the time to understand yourself, build on your skills and get ready for your next chapter of your life. Remember that it is okay to take time off, what's important is what you do with your time and as long as it's spent making you better (because you're already amazing), then it's time well spent.
Good luck!!
This article was written as part of the LinkedIn #Changemakers partnership – a 12-month campaign shining a spotlight on individuals who are using LinkedIn to drive genuine change in the world of work. To find out more about the partnership, read more here: